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In Memorium

ADU BOT Meeting Minutes 05/12/10

Please welcome Ellen Hemm as our newest Board member. Ellen accepted the open position on the Communications Team. Thank you Ellen!!

Attendees: Kate FitzPatrick, Suzy Remmert, Cean Embry, Trish Phelps, Gwen Carlson, Ellen Hemm, Dennis Riddlemoser

All, areas in red are areas where I added something or needed clarification on something. As always, please send any corrections.

  • USDF Committees: Cean encourages membership to participate in USDF Committees. Lynn to put a note in weekly communication. Note to be near the bottom and after a request for volunteers/Board Members for ADU.
  • Kate suggested on combining Membership Recognition with Special Projects. Responsibilities can be transferred without conflict. Actually removing the Member Recognition Board positions requires a membership vote on the By Laws change. Dennis suggested re-evaluating Board structure towards the end of the year.
  • Policies and Procedures
    • Initial draft modified to make CEO the only one authorized to sign contracts for ADU. This change was made to be consistent with ADU By Laws.
    • Section was added for procedure to modify P&P.
    • Section was added on Board voting procedures.
    • Section requiring P&P to be published on the Web site within 30 days of modification/approval
    • By Laws as sent out on Wednesday to the Board were approved unanimously
      • Nominated by Cean
      • Seconded by Suzy
    • Additional items voted on and approved for P&P
      • Use of ADU funds for non ADU events or causes will not be made. This decisions is expected to be revisited and likely rescinded in the future. The primary purpose for this was so ADU could focus on ADU issues until we have complete P&P in place.
      • The liability waiver will be put in the P&P. Gwen to have attorney review liability release.
        • unanimously passed
        • Cean nominated
        • Suzy seconded
    • P&P about non ADU educational events needed for future.
    • P&P for member grievances (largely Ellen's suggested procedures)
      • First member should approach the ADU Team in question in writing
      • If not satisfied, member may approach the Executive Team in writing.
      • If still not satisfied, grievance will be added to the agenda of the next Board meeting
        • All involved parties will be invited to Board meeting
        • Meeting will be conducted by Roberts Rules of Order
        • Final decision will be handled by e-mail after the Board meeting by Board discussion and vote, if necessary
      • At all stages of grievance handling, all parties should be kept informed
      • Informal grievances are referred to the CEO.
      • Gwen motioned to approve grievance policy and put into P&P. Kate seconded. Unanimously passed
    • Team Policy and Procedures
      • Kate suggested format be consistent, use a template
      • Board to approve P&P
      • Trish to locate a template
      • Team P&P writing session for all teams on June 9th (location at Kate's
  • Education
    • General items
      • Cean read a thank you note from Joan Darnell
      • Insurance concerns- If I recall correctly, we talked about making sure that the liability insurance plan covered the board member’s in the event of an slaw suit that a member or non-member might bring against the organization. (Someone please fill in the details here, I don't remember anything not handled here).
    • Up coming events
      • May 16th - DVD/Dinner at Karen Holmes (ok, not upcoming anymore)
      • May 18th - Georgetown Farm Supply, Cean demonstrating Prix St. Georges
      • June 6th - Nancy Fair Symposium on Seat followed by High Tea
      • July 3rd - Mike Carlson horse desensitization, 4 horses & 4 hours
      • July 25th - DVD/Dinner at Karen Stern's
      • August 22nd - DVD/Dinner at Alida Darlington's
    • Library
      • Some members requested items be purchased for the Library
      • Board reasserted previously decided policy that all items will be donated.
        • Suzy motioned, Kate seconded, unanimous vote
    • BACH is interested in providing funding to the next ADU educational event. BACH is looking for funding from ADU for the the Susan Harris Event in March of 2011.
  • Shows
    • Suggestion to invite Capitol Area QH Association to help promote Dressage. Lori to follow up.
  • Treasury
    • Gwen supplied copy of financials for meeting. Documents were reviewed.
  • Open Discussion
    • E-mail from Tiffany Harelik to market her product through ADU. Decision on topic deferred as ADU is concentrating on core ADU responsibilities for the foreseeable future.
  • Next Board meeting on July 14th, 7PM at same location; Pok-e-Jo's.

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ADU University
ADU-U is a 5-tiered dressage training & education program
for our members,
supported by a
volunteer mentor.

ADU Scholarships

ADU Dinner & DVD
ADU Dinner & DVD Nights are now approved for
USDF University credit!

ADU Library

ADU's collection of
books, CDs, & articles of interest available
for loaning to members.

Chef d' Equipe
An Equestrian's Cookbook

ADU's unique
horse-themed cookbook
for sale as a fundraiser
for Dressage education programs.